Lesson Time

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Kiara's words were still strict, but at least it sounded like the same kind of strictness Mahn used when scolding them instead of something terrifying now. Dalgina's tail remained low, but she was no longer shaking with fear. Her eyes widened as Kiara explained that lying and violence was really bad. Dalgina nodded her head eagerly, ready to agree to not hurting anyone. She didn't want that. Dalgina liked it better when everyone was happy and playing.

Honrin's apology was surprising for Dalgina. She'd never thought of her ronkyha doing something wrong. She nuzzled him gently, licking his chin. Whining softly her tail wagged briefly, trying to cheer him up. It was alright. Everything would be just right. Her eyes returned to Kiara at the last word, her head cocked to the side. What's acting? Her voice was hesitant, but some of the initial curiosity had returned to her.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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