M-I Was Lost, Now I'm Broken
There was a loud Booming howl from behind the New Dawn pack brothers and sisters within the tree line. Shadow ran at full speed out of the trees and got in close to the others. Shadow had seen the carcase of the moose and he had seen the blood and picked up the smell of the cougar. He looked at the one who was bleeding and the sight of what he saw made him happy at first but then the blood and pain made him growl low as he looked to everyone.

What happened to her?! Are all those wounds from the cougar? Evera....Evera! It's me Shadow! calm yourself take it easy. Please everyone, Let me threw to see her. She is a friend of mine.I met her before i joined up with the New Dawn.

Shadow gently pushed his way threw everyone until he was closes to Terra and he gave a small whine showing that everything was alright. He got close and before he knew it she had snapped at him and he didn't care. He took the opportunity of her getting close to hug her with one arm and speak gently trying to get her out of her frenzied, violent state.

It's okay Evera...I know that's not your name but it's the one you gave me, The black wolf who taught you how to walk among the shadows....My tricky Shadow Walker.

He let her go and gave her some space watching her closely hoping that she would calm and know who he was, It had been some time since there last meeting and he hoped that her memory of him was not lost. Shadow knew that he would never be able to forget his unofficial sister not now, not ever.

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