M-I Was Lost, Now I'm Broken
ETA: Cerberus isn't going to be able to post, so the player gave us permission to skip over him for now until he can post again.


OOC:: Figured it was time for a reply. Big Grin WC: 470

In Character

Relief had momentarily washed through her when Ceri arrived, even though there was a bit of obvious disappointment that he didn’t greet her in a more friendly way. The girlish side of her didn’t like that, and she turned to blame the female for a moment. Then her eyes softened again as the vision reminded her just how badly the woman was injured. She moved to press in against Ceri’s side, licking at his ear gingerly. He seemed to know the female. When her boycoy asked what was going on, she listened attentively, whimpering both out of pity for the female and then due to the agitation Cerberus was showing. His mood was affecting hers, and she couldn’t help but get nervous.

That anxiety doubled when Augustus showed up. While she was normally happy to see the Epsilon, fear drifted through her at his harsh demeanour. Her whole, slender body jumped as the male’s snarl ripped through the air, and she flattened herself to the ground at once. She didn’t mind taking a submissive posture in front of this stranger. She greatly respected Augustus, and she knew that showing Terra that she was submissive of him might influence her to act the same way. Her eyes remained on her paws, and she shook her head gently when the Epsilon asked what had happened. “I don’t know,” she said, her voice coated with worry. “I just found her here…”

She certainly hadn’t been expecting the female to act so viciously, but vicious she was, and Ciara found herself shuffling back. She did put herself between the stranger and Cerberus, though, not wanting any harm to come to him. The yearling figured she’d let Augustus handle this one, as he seemed to know the woman, and was more than capable of dealing with her. She waited for the female’s reply, but none came, instead another pack member arrived on the scene – the new brother Shadowfang. The mottled yearling couldn’t even smile at him, she was so anxious about what was going on. Her ears were paper flat on her head, tail tucked and her body shaking with the tension that was going on.

Then, to top it all off, in came the Alpha. She was happy that she’d already taken on a submissive pose to Augustus, because it made her feel prepared for Zalen’s entrance. When his apple green eyes swirled around the assembled wolves and finally fell on her own, she lowered them instantly. “I found her here, sir,” she whispered. “I was planning on helping her, on trying to heal her, but she won’t let anyone close.” After saying her part she again turned her eyes to the injured woman, licking over her lips nervously. Now that she’d spoken her peace, Ciara would remain silent and allow the elder wolves to handle the situation.

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