The difference between you and me
Aylu smiled. So this pup thought he was tough? Aylu stood and smiled before roaring playfully at the pup. "Arhhhhh!!!!!! Imma get you!" He said with a growl. He meant no harm but the mother of the pup might think he did. He could hear her in the trees. She was getting close and she wasn't alone. He sat back down, not wanting to look like a threat, especally if the mother was young. He as he sat back down the necklace he took from the grey woman's body flashed in his robes. He took it back out and studied it.

Who ever had made it had done some fine metal work. The chain and small cross glittered in the light and he wondered who had made it. He remembered the grey woman he had buried and remembered the smiled that was frozen on her maw. Was she happy to leave the family she might have had when she was alive. He wondered if the woman coming towards her pup would know about the grey woman and enlighten him about her.

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