M-I Was Lost, Now I'm Broken

OOC -- Word Count → 577

If Augustus wasn’t enraged before he certainly was now as Shadowfang’s howl sounded from behind and the male pushed his way through. When he felt the pressure of his side on his own his head snapped sideways and he snarled directly at the male, eyes searching for his own he puffed up and stood tall, arcing his tail high above his back to symbol his dominance over his newest brother. He listened however and watched as he comforted Terra and attempted to console her, scoffing when he heard mention of the name Evera.’ “Some friend,” He snarled. “That’s not even her name. Her name is Terra and I know her as well, but that aside she’s a trespasser. I warned her not to come here ever again!” His eyes turned darkly to the coy wolf, yet this time there was no mercy in them. Was he not clear enough before that she was not welcome here, that whatever friendship they had could not continue? He did not hate her, not then, but now…She went against his warnings, and words he’d spoken to protect her she’d blatantly disregarded. There was no warmth left in him now, despite the fond memories he had of her, it all dissolved. It was all lost the moment she broke the law.

His nostrils twitched as the scent of his Alpha came radiating towards them. He dropped his dominant-aggressive stance, aware that whatever issue they faced here Zalen would handle it. His ears lowered only slightly, his tail drooped just below Zalen’s, a message displaying that he still had some authority over the rest. An ear twitched in Ciara’s direction and he turned to face her as she spoke, a deep-seated pride coming up from his core with her wonderfully appropriate actions. At least she knew her place. He eyed Shadow out of the corner of his eyes, undaunted, for although the black wolf outsized them all Augustus was a large wolf as well, and the man’s superior. He did not like being pushed aside. He turned to his alpha finally, his fur still bristled with the seriousness and intensity of the situation, waves of fury radiating from him, still, but muted somewhat in the Alpha’s presence. “I know her.” He stated simply. “I made it clear to her the last time I saw her near our borders to stay away. She is someone I know to push her limits.” His eyes shifted to the battered coy wolf. “However, none of us did this to her.”

He paused a moment, gazing on his Alpha with certainty that whatever it was the needed to be done he would have to be the one to do it. He did not know how to proceed. She had trespassed, but she was badly wounded already. The conflicting thoughts battled in his mind and when he spoke again his voice was quieter, subdued by the fact that he did not know how to proceed. He was just the hunter, the defender, and this situation was more delicate an issue than he wished to act on. “She is from the Court.” He explained. “Terra is her name.” The young wolf was anxious he knew Terra’s personality and just how oblivious she was at times to social norms, and was certain that something drastic would need to be done here to prevent her from ever doing something like this again. His warnings had not been enough that was blatantly clear.


Take the light and darken everything around me. Call the clouds, and listen closely I'm lost without you...

template by revo. <3

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