i drove for miles and miles and somehow want more
<style> @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Alegreya+SC);</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000 sorry for the wait!

She nodded slowly as he explained that he was doing fine, as was his mate and their pups. She glanced down as his cat - a new addition, she noted - meowed softly, intertwining herself between his white legs. Her eyes again shifted to the man's own bicolored ones as he said that he had something to confess - confess? Skye's posture switched slightly as her spine straightened and her ears perked, erect. Of all the things she may have expected from her white-furred Protettore, a confession was certainly not one of them. She had listened to Orin's claims of him being the devil and in league with Liam, although she had not believed them. She trusted Taliesin, and thought that blood had little to do with who he was - in light of this new confession, however, could she have been wrong?

She watched Taliesin with little emotion showing in her eyes as he explained what had happened at the festival; although her posture and outward demeanor remained static, she felt herself be relieved. So he had not quite committed the crimes that Orin claimed he had, although she was not entirely pleased with what he was telling her. She would not expect him to act hostile towards Ayasha during the festival - Mahavites's watchful eyes would have prevented that quickly. However, trading with her, and wishing well the monster that tore apart his own daughter... she had expected more from him.

"I would not have you act in hostility towards her at the festival," she said to him, the concealed look still on her face, making it almost unreadable. "But trading with her? Wishing it well?" The last words were said with slight and visible anger; her tail lashed once and she bared her teeth, turning to face the Border Tree. "You once vowed that you would kill him if you saw him on our lands, threatening our members... is this a true oath, Taliesin?" She paused, allowing him an answer, and then turned back to him. "Do not forget what it did to Tameri, Taliesin - how it tore her apart, ripped her limbs from her body while she was alive. Liam did not wish us well - he wished us death and misfortune."

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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