Learning a Trade
Aylu was trying to find the pack. He had made new friends on his travels and he enjoyed bringing his way of living to others. He was a talented carver and knew how to use his staff. He was walking around enjoying the bright sunny day when the smells of a pack came around. He walked a little more and found a man carving a piece of wood. "Hello my friend. Can I give you some pointers on carving? I mean you no harm," he said softly to the man.

He sat down at a distance and pulled out one of his own carvings, a wolf mother with a pup. The grey womans face came to mind and he had carved her into the soft wood. It was almost done and he looked over at the man. "My name is Aylu. I am a loner for now. A monk trying to find a pack. What pack is this?" he asked as he carved the lines of the fur into the wood. The carving was coming out really good and he hoped someone found it interesting. He was willing to trade for something.

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