Heaven forbid you end up alone
Were it not for the faint creak of the floor boards beneath Lucifer's weight, Conri may have never known that anyone else at all was there. At the sound, his ears jumped forward, suddenly bringing himself to sit up straight. Jade eyes searched for but a moment before they finally found him, in what looked like an attempt to go unseen. Sneaking by, Conri decided, because he remembered what had happened. Because he knew somewhere inside himself that it was all wrong. The young hybrid had been dealing with it fairly well since the night that he had talked to Naniko but the very moment he set his eyes on Lucifer, the anger and pain came boiling back to the surface.

In an instant he was up, pushing himself away from the couch and practically stomping across the room toward the other male. There was something in his eyes in that moment, something that wasn't quite right, something that wasn't at all Conri. "What's wrong Lucifer?" The question was quiet, spoken through clenched teeth. He continued to near the other male, his arm moving out the closer that he got in an attempt to block Lucifer's way and pin him up against the wall. "You thought you'd fuck her and I wouldn't know?" Conri was lost then. Something else completely had taken him.


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