When the lights go out in tinsel town
Truth be told, Laurel was heading towards the borders but not to mark them. In fact, he had spend the earlier portion of the day out fishing and was returning; his newly discovered fishing pole was in one hand and a line of fish stringed by hooks in the other. Tonight he was quite sure that his merry little band would have fish to eat and they could probably figure out how to cook it on their own if they wanted to. Being a coyote, he was used to making do with whatever he got his hands on, be it some carcass left behind or the plentiful fish found in the rushing streams. Just like the ones that ran south into the hills before Twilight Vale, he had spent a little time picking out a not-so-far fishing hole other than the lake.

As he crested a hill and started to pick through the fringes of the forest, his olive-tinted eyes caught sight of someone up ahead of him. Not just anyone, someone who wasn't shifted and eventually from the looks of things, not all that far away from bringing the next generation into the world. She was alone, just about as pristine white as they came and from the neighbouring pack to the south by the smells that hung in the muggy air. “Hello,” he singsonged from a bit of a distance, not wanting to sneak up on her, “and what brings you to the doorstep of the Hollow today? Business or pleasure?” Stepping around her and through the tall grass with ease, Laurel glanced down at her as though she were a very sincere and good friend.

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