New friends?
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He smiled as she took the herbs. It was funny to watch her eat it but he knew it would numb her pain. She had been though a lot. He continued to dab at her side while trying to keep her calm. "So tell me about your pack. Is there someone here I can trade and give my stuff too? I really need a horse," he said to her as he started to wrap her side.

He wanted to get to know the woman he was helping so after he wrapped her side he sat back and looked at her. "Tell me about yourself. I don't really have much of a history. I come from a monastery. I have lived with my master since I was very young and set out a few weeks ago. I had come across a old man trying to get here but he passed before we could make it. I just have been trying to find my place. I am sorry. I shouldn't have said that. You don't want to hear my history," he said softly looking away. He pulled out one of his latest carvings, Sarian on a bucket like he remembered her. He was almost done with it. He pulled out his carving knife and continued wondering what Terra thought of him.

The greatest patience is humility.
template by revo. <3


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