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Occ: Where you get missing eye from? Hey i was thinking Aylu could leave his dagger and carving and later he could come back for them. Is Terra in optime? Or Lupus?

"I hope your warm. I know I don't have much to offer but I was raised to give up everything if it means helping someone. Even my robes. I don't want anything else to happen to you. I don't want you to move much either. You should rest. I'll keep you warm if I have to," he said with a smile. It was true he had been though a lot but he could deal. He had been trained to deal with anything. Cold, heat, pain. He was immune to it all. Terra wasn't and he wasn't about to let something happen to her. He shifted down to secui form, not used to being in this form.

He trudged up to her slowly and nudged her softly on her front paw. She was so small compared to him. He didn't want her to feel like he was invading her space and pulled away some, sitting back on his haunches watching her with worry. What would she do if he laid next to her to keep her warm. He didn't want things to come off the wrong way. They had just met and its not like he liked her or anything.... right?

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