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OOC woops misread. fixed it! she's in lupus, and stuck there until her leg heals unfortunately. She'll be griping a lot about that XD If you leave the carving and dagger Terra might be a bit reluctant to relinquish them without being given entertainment in return

Word Count → 000

Terra looked at him in confusion. Giving everything up for another, especially a stranger, was very odd for her to contemplate. Terra might help a friend, and she'd sacrifice for a pup or her pack, but outside of that it was a very unusual idea. A slow smile spread over her face as he said he didn't wish for anything else to happen to her. You'll protect me then? Her words were slightly teasing, though her voice was soft enough to show that she was truly serious about the question. She needed it, here on the borders by herself, but was also testing how far he would go for her. If she could truly trust him.

Silently she watched the warrior shift into secui form. He was humungous next to her in this form. When he nudged her Terra gently reached up, running her muzzle along his. A generally affectionate creature Terra craved another's touch. Besides, she wanted to get closer to this confusing stranger, to understand how he thought, and what would make him so willing to sacrifice. He couldn't possibly be warm either, always wearing those robes. Terra was fine, but the warmth of another was wanted.

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