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Aylu's tail wagged softly. "Yes I will protect you as long as you want me to," he said softly. He finally got a smile from her and it warmed his heart. She was beautiful. When he nudged her she brought her muzzle up to rub against his. He licked her cheek softly before pulling away and lay down beside her. She was warm under his robes and he nosed her chin softly. He hadn't been this close with anyone other then Dalgina and her tingla and he laughed some beside Terra at the thought. He longed for pups of his own and at the thought sobered really quick, laying his head between his paws.

He put the bush of his tail around her small frame and gently wrapped his body around hers, his head resting on her fore paws. He hoped she didn't mind his closeness and looked up at her softly. I hope you dont mind me being close. I can move if you want," he whispered softly, as he waited for her to say something. If she wanted him away he would get up and move in an instant. It was her health and well being he wanted.

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