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Terra wasn't sure what she had been expecting for his answer. Everything he'd done pointed to him saying yes, but the life she had experienced pointing to him saying no. His answer had her blinking in surprise, wondering why he would give such an answer. Softly her tail wagged behind her, a shy smile on her lips. Terra didn't know what to think of the soft lick he gave her, too intimate for her taste. She had no problem nuzzling and cuddling with him, but that one lick seemed to break a barrier. It made her unsure all over again.

Aylu settled in beside her, Terra sighing with contentment. She was glad she'd come to the borders now. Not the best lesson for her to learn about acting without thinking when injured, but very, very nice. His tail wrapped around her, his huge frame pressed against her. His head tucked into her paws, and with a soft sigh she buried herself into his fur. At his words she looked up again. Don't go. Her words were uncertain, revealing how uneasy she felt about the whole situation. It was silly, really.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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