When the lights go out in tinsel town
She certainly had a lot to stay, though it didn't make much of a difference to Laurel. He enjoyed conversation just as much as he enjoyed entertaining; there were few times when he didn't want one or the other. His laid-back personality often revealed a very chatty conversationalist and when given the chance, he could have easily talked all four legs and the tail right off of Naniko. Of course, when it came to the things that she talked about, there were many things of interest that sprang at him. For instance, this fire she spoke of. He started with what she asked him first, leaving mentioning finding a rod for her for later.

“No, I'm not from around here and neither are some of my companions. Like I said, we're kind of a band of gypsies so we've moved around a lot. I'm not sure I could tell you where exactly I originated from because I've spent more of my life on the road than in one place. Anyway, I came here with a friend, ran into someone I met on the road some time back and we decided to gather our stuff and settle here.” With that out of the way, he started to lead the way into the thick of the fog and wood. “Dunno how long we'll stick together or be around, but who knows. What about yourself? Where'd this fire you mentioned happen at?”

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