Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

Oh wow! How was greece? Big Grin

Envy her? Why? Alexey tried to make sense of his affirmation, wondering why anyone would envy her at all. Of course, she was lucky enough to have Adelaida around, but was it really worth being envied for? Having her sister's support through thick and thin was something she considered normal, and thus it hadn't occurred to her that the male standing in front of her probably didn't have that chance. Realizing that, the little wolfess pursed her lips together. A feeling of guilt settled over her, an emotion that gradually transformed into empathy. "I'm sorry to hear about that, Desaevio. But you have a pack now, right? Aren't they a little like family to you? I know mine was." She offered a comforting smile, although her honey-colored eyes were distant. Her mind was traveling down memory lane, to a time and place where she had been just a few months old. Her sire had still been alive back then. It had been the happiest time of her life.

Sighing deeply, she finally offered an answer to his previous inquiry. "It wasn't much different than it is now. The lands are still beautiful. We just... didn't have any shape-shifters around before. And if we did, they kept a very low profile." Alexey stopped talking as the luperci dropped down into what seemed to be a very uncomfortable sitting position. She couldn't help but let out an amused laugh as she too, sat on her behind. Her gaze riveted to the beads once again, examining them intently while being provided with Desaevio's explanation. He probably knew a lot about hunting and wars if his mane was adorned with so many trophies. It was a shame that the Kiois femme did not know much about fighting, or she would've asked for some pretty decorations too. As she caught a glimpse of his odd sitting position once again, Alexey couldn't help but ask; "Doesn't that hurt?"

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