A visit...
The Rhiannon matriarch made her way slowly to the borders. She had been down lately with a cold, and had spent a lot of time sleeping in the communal den. Now she was awake and needing to do more than sleep, eat, and relieve herself. The howl at the border provided the elder woman an excellent opportunity. She was rather unaware of her daughter's recent intrusion to the lands, where she had been met by Noah and Zalen, or her previous engagements at the festival.

She made her way to the border after letting a dulcet howl fall, letting the one on the borders know she was coming. If she'd known the interaction the woman on the borders had with her family, her sons included, she might have avoided her. But as it was, ignorance is bliss, and the Rhiannon matriarch continued on her way. Her lupine form made the trip somewhat slower, thanks to an ill-healed wound that she limped on when it was under-used or stressed.

She halted on the pack side of the border, her mismatched eyes scanning the form of the woman on the horse. She had never been so near a horse, and found the experience a tad unsettling. After a moment, the former Shaman of Phoenix valley turned her gaze to the woman again, her ears falling forward to catch the words of the stranger on the horse. "Greetings. I am Deuce Rhiannon, the delta of New Dawn. How may I help you, miss?"

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