A visit...

OOC All welcome

Word Count → 500+

A package had preceded her visit, one that had arrived exactly on the date intended, just in time for her beautiful daughter's birthday. It contained gifts and a note, an apology for not being with her to celebrate her first year in the world. After her daughter had left Cercatori d'Arte to found her own pack with the shadowy wolf, Zalen, Orin had been stricken with grief; but as time moved on she came to understand her daughter's actions. There had been a beckoning, a need, and no wolf could deny that inner calling. Now she was proud of her daughter, and happy for her. And, in some small way, she understood the way of life that she had selected for herself... and that very knowledge made Orin wonder if Titania had even known when it was her birthday at all.

Of course the girls knew the name of the day that Orin taught them they were born on, but Titania's world had no need of the human calendar system anymore. Was there a chance that she had tracked the days, just for fun? Perhaps the package and letter Orin had sent was the only reason she knew, if she knew at all. In fact, had that package even ever made it to her daughter? The messenger had never failed her before, and gave her no reason to doubt, but suddenly she wasn't feeling so certain...

The mare's hooves clopped solidly on the earth as she trudged forward with a lazy gait. Orin did not press the spotted horse on any faster than she felt like going, only eased her in the right direction from time to time. Riding too hard and too long gave herself sores and tired the mare... but aside from that, it also upset the extra passenger that was with her now.

Wrapped up in a nest of blankets carefully constructed over the mare's haunch was a sleeping pup; Sarian. Orin had mentioned her in some small way in the letter she had sent to New Dawn, but if the letter hadn't made it then this would be a complete surprise. Orin twisted in the saddle to look at the curled up child, then reached back to gently pet her head for a moment. “You run me ragged, little one. Hopefully after all this excitement you'll want to sleep like this for a month.” Her words were only whispers, but she spoke with an amused chortle.

Turning forward again, there was finally no doubt that the long passage had led her to New Dawn. The musk of the pack – a pack that was so diligent in marking its territory – was strong here. She expected to be forever welcomed, but still knew that it would be best to properly announce herself. Not everyone would know who she was, after all.

“Sarian,” she said, now a little louder than before, as she nudged the puppy awake. “Help me call the pack.”

The child's sleepy eyes stared at her in a stupor, but soon she caught on, and both adoptive mother and daughter tipped their noses to the sky and sang out their greeting to New Dawn.

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The Rhiannon matriarch made her way slowly to the borders. She had been down lately with a cold, and had spent a lot of time sleeping in the communal den. Now she was awake and needing to do more than sleep, eat, and relieve herself. The howl at the border provided the elder woman an excellent opportunity. She was rather unaware of her daughter's recent intrusion to the lands, where she had been met by Noah and Zalen, or her previous engagements at the festival.

She made her way to the border after letting a dulcet howl fall, letting the one on the borders know she was coming. If she'd known the interaction the woman on the borders had with her family, her sons included, she might have avoided her. But as it was, ignorance is bliss, and the Rhiannon matriarch continued on her way. Her lupine form made the trip somewhat slower, thanks to an ill-healed wound that she limped on when it was under-used or stressed.

She halted on the pack side of the border, her mismatched eyes scanning the form of the woman on the horse. She had never been so near a horse, and found the experience a tad unsettling. After a moment, the former Shaman of Phoenix valley turned her gaze to the woman again, her ears falling forward to catch the words of the stranger on the horse. "Greetings. I am Deuce Rhiannon, the delta of New Dawn. How may I help you, miss?"

OOC All welcome

Word Count → 600+

It didn’t take long for her and Sarian’s call to be answered, but even long after Orin stopped howling Sarian carried on. After a moment she laughed and put her hand over the pup’s muzzle to shush her. “It’s okay now silly girl. They heard us, someone’s coming.” And the pup decided to nip at Orin’s hand. They played for a moment as they sat there on horseback and awaited the pack’s arrival, but the game ended when Orin spotted a form as white as her own approaching them. She had never met this woman before – which wasn’t strange because she hadn’t met many in New Dawn – but she smiled courteously as she walked up.

Swinging her leg over the saddle, Orin gracefully dropped off of Spot’s back, then raised her arms and plucked the puppy from her spot. Well, “plucked” wasn’t quite the word for it. Sarian was an older puppy now and very close to her adult stature, so picking her up off the horse was pretty awkward for the petite female. It was a practiced art between the two of them, and at least Sarian had stopped pushing off of the horse with her hind legs at the last minute and knocking Orin over.

“Hello Deuce,” she greeted, her voice a huff with the weight she was lifting at that moment, but a second later the gray puppy was upon the ground and sniffing around. Then her eyes caught sight of the Delta and she barked and ran up to the woman, tail wagging. “What’s a Delta? Why are your eyes like that? What happened to your ear?” Well, at least she was fully awake from her nap.

Orin yelped with surprise and jogged over to them. “Sarian! That was rude!” She scolded the pup, giving her a harmless swat on the rump that seemed to have no affect whatsoever. “You don’t just ask people questions like that. It’s not very nice.”

She was so distracted by Sarian that she had failed to notice a few key features about Deuce, one of which being the blinding fact that she introduced herself as Deuce Rhiannon. But when what Sarian said about eyes suddenly sank in and Orin turned her own honey gaze to Deuce. She was shocked to see Tal’s eyes staring back at her behind scarred lids, and for a moment her blood ran cold. Now it sank in; Rhiannon. But why should it be such a surprise? Orin knew the Rhiannon lived here, too; Zalen had told her the time she and the dark Alpha met. And besides that, Noah was one of them too, but for some reason she didn’t blame the dusty man for the family’s crimes. Somehow, she knew he was different than the rest of them. Was there a chance Deuce was different, too?

“Sarian… by me, now.” She told her daughter, and at the pup’s protest she shot the child a look that could stop a heart. Sarian’s spirited tail drooped and she slipped over to Orin’s side, but soon began to wander again as she sniffed the ground.

“I’m sorry, we’re working on her manners,” she apologized, though there was a different lilt in her voice than would have been had she not realized that this one was a Rhiannon.

“I’m Orin Takekuro, Domatrice of Cercatori d’Arte. I’ve come to visit my daughter… a few days late for her birthday, but I sent a letter ahead so she would know.” She smiled a small smile, but did not expand upon it anymore, just assuming Deuce would know who she meant.

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ooc goes here

Deuce watched the young female approach, her tail wagging lazily as the little one spouted off a myriad of questions. She laughed indulgently as the mother corrected the child, and was beginning to open her mouth to answer the little one's questions, when her perceptive nature picked up on a subtle tension coming from the D'artisian. The name tickled her memory, and she offered a smile to the woman, though her own mood had shifted to something a bit wary herself. "You are my lady alpha's mother, then. She spoke of you with great pride. I am honored to meet you." Her mismatched gaze turned to Sarian, the wariness replaced with a distant longing, a yearning to have more little ones of her own.

"A delta is a pupsitter and a healer. My eyes are mismatched as a sign of favor from the goddess Rhiannon. And my ear was torn in a fight with an evil coyote named Ahren many many years ago." Her eyes drifted again to the domatrice, Orin. "It is an honor to meet the mother of my alphess. If you follow me, I will take you to the pack den. Normally we aren't supposed to allow outsiders so far into pack territory, but you are family and I know Titania would not want to be told I made you wait on the borders." Her voice held a laugh, though she was puzzled as to why the shift in the other woman's mood.

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wc: 000

Word Count → 300+

The woman, Deuce was her name, knew who Orin sought immediately, and at this she smiled. It was nice to know that even though their lives had followed different paths that her daughter still cared for her deeply enough that her pack would know who she was. “That I am,” she said with a proud nod, and somehow by the tone of Deuce’s voice she was certain that she would not have trouble with this Rhiannon today. Of course, the ones she knew had once been deceitful and could coil a lie around you tighter than any boa… but part of her wanted to… had to believe that no such evil could penetrate her daughter’s pack.

She couldn’t help the split second when her ears flicked back against the word ‘Rhiannon,’ nor could she suppress the shock of anger that tore through her gullet for just a moment as she thought about what that name meant to her. There was almost a scoff, but she swallowed that deplorable action, when Deuce mentioned that the Delta of New Dawn was the pup sitter. She would never again trust a Rhiannon to be alone with a pup. The thought made her eyes flick toward Sarian, the rambunctious pup who was trying ever so hard to be good. For a moment Orin thought she might change to match both Deuce and Sarian’s shapes, but she did not want to leave Sarian alone or herself vulnerable right now. Not even if Deuce’s redeeming quality was her membership within New Dawn.

Orin nodded obligingly. “I would like to go to the den, thank you.”

And then Sarian reached the end of her patience, all 20 seconds of it, and ran around Orin and up to Deuce again. This time Orin just sighed and rolled her eyes. Oh well, so what if the Rhiannon was offended by Sarian’s questions. So long as Orin didn’t let them wander off together, they would all survive the ordeal.

“What is a goddess? Why is Rhiannon a goddess? I want to see it. Show me.” Came Sarian’s fast words.

“And where,” she asked while taking Spot’s reigns in her hand, “may I stable my horse?”

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She nodded at Orin's words, and turned to lead tem two to the dens. Sarian's questions were met with a gentle smile. Orin's question was met with a surprised look. "I don't know... we don't have horses here. I suppose you could bring it along, maybe tether it to a tree closer to the den?" She honestly couldn't remember if they'd had horses in Phoenix Valley or not. She remembered the cows, kept as an easy meat supply in hard times. She couldn't remember if there were horses.

She continued walking, smiling softly at Sarian. "Rhiannon is a goddess of old. A goddess is a mighty being who watches over us and protects and guides us. She is a mighty female, and she posses the birds of the underworld, who are said to sing so beautifully they can wake the dead or lull the living to sleep." She glanced at the female, chiding herself silently for referring to her as little or childlike. The girl was full grown in stature, though not in mind. "One can not demand to see Rhiannon, one can only believe she is there." She lowered her voice as if telling the pup a secret, same as she had when her own were young. "I saw her once, though... she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I heard her birds too... lovely voices full of joy, full of light." She winked at Sarian, then glanced to Sarian's mother, Orin.

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