I don't care
The boy seemed to enjoy Thana’s irritation, which caused her only more irritation and frustration. She hid her emotions though behind an expressionless mask. He didn’t seem to be too friendly though. He turned to face a different direction and for a moment Isa thought he had been leaving until he made no movements besides undoing his long braid. He glanced back at the two of them as his fingers slid through his hair. Isa was amazed at how long he kept it. His hair nearly reached his ankles. She hadn’t ever seen any girl, let alone a boy, keep their hair so long.

He weaved his hair together into a tight braid and placed the band he had used back at the end of the long braid. It no longer reached his ankles but it was still very long, coming down to the back of his knees. He sighed before he spoke and he seemed annoyed that they were there. Isa spoke up, not wanting Thana to get to angry. ”Like I said, we were just passing through. Are we bothering you or something? There is no need to be rude.”

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