Heaven forbid you end up alone
At first the point had been to keep Lucifer in one spot just long enough to tell him off. Long enough to get some of the anger out. Now though, now that Lucifer was trying to get away and seemingly trying to avoid the situation, it only made his anger grow. "Was she worth it?" He spat, on the verge of yelling, teeth still clenched and his fist pressed hard up against the wall. "No wonder Deuce had to find someone else.." His voice trailed off a moment, long enough for him to push back from the wall, taking a step of two back and shaking his head. "You can't be trusted and I should have seen it all along."

And he really should have. He and Naniko had seemed fairly close, how could he have been blind towards it all along? "Was she good Lucifer?" He asked then, muscles tight and fist clenched shut at his side.


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