the girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Poe quickly reeled back with a quick, loud sigh at his immediate, almost comically tough defense. Stranger danger? Eating children? It would have been more absurd if she hadn't been kidnapped as a kid and... Well, not quite eaten, but close enough. Still, she was a midget in a tutu holding a duckie umbrella--how threatening could she really look? "I'm not going to eat you, kid," she said flatly.

The metal tip of her umbrella clicked on the ground as she rested her weight into it, preparing herself to talk the boy down until he was ready to go look for the dad he'd been crying for. "Sometimes, when you do something like jump out of a damn window, you just have to accept a stranger's help." She stopped, considering a moment and then adding, "Unless they are offering candy. Avoid the candy-men."


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