Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

Greece was hot! Got a sunburn on the last day, so I at least came home with some colour Tongue I went scubadiving for the first time, that was pretty cool^^ Walked on a volcano and such^^ Welcome to the pack btw^^ -524-

Seagulls could be heard quarraling in the background, their everyday fights was on display for everyone to see. These simple creatures knew and lived only by one instinct, one feeling, one need; hunger. Or that’s at least what it seemed. Their raw fights over a dead rotten fish was loud and foul. Their fights were many, their gains were low, but the stakes was life itself, for a single little scrap of food could be the one thing seperating them from seeing the next sunrise. And there amongst it all, sat Des in his lotus position, worrying about sand up his bum.

He was happy to see that she too sat down, it relieved him. She wasn’t feeling uncomfortable in his company, or comfortable enough to sit down and relax a bit. Her qusetion was hard to answer, he had only been in the pack for two weeks, any strong bonds to them hadn’t formed yet. His fidelity was still with his old pack, the Aquilo. But in time, he thought, this would change, and he would fully embrace what now, as Alexey had asked, his new pack and family. Still, the thought of what he had lost hurt him every day, and the little angry voice in the back of his head wouldn’t be satisfied until the Grey one had been hunted down and killed.

I’ve only been in Dahlia for about two weeks, and I haven’t met too many of my fellowers yet…but I’m hoping to stay for a longer time and settle. he smiled, knowing he might be lying. The old warrior sat there proud, eye to eye with the opposite being. Compared to his dramatical look; the midnight blue and dark furr, the ruby eyes, the magnificent mane with the beeds and the feathers, she looked calm and soft with tender eyes. There was a tenderness to her, a sort of serenity. It looked as if she was about to fuse with the sand around them, like she was made of, was she real? Or just a fiction of his immagination, he so sorely needed a break from all the evils he had experienced. As fast as it had occurred, his poetic dreaming went away. And he could see, that she in fact was real.

Hurt? What? Sitting like this? he looked at he surprised, It’s very comfortable in fact, in this form my legs are longer and and more straight, so it’s hard to know where to place them withoutmaking it uncomfortable. Sitting this way, relieves them of pressure…but it does take its toll on your behind. He wiggled his bum deeper in to the sand. If it hadn’t been for the advantage of the hands, so you can make and craft stuff, I don’t know what the skill of shifting would be good for… he smiled, it was the hunter and craftsman in him speaking. Though he could dream himself away from time to time, Des was a very pratical male, he tried his best to avoid doing things that weren’t necessary, and the estethic often escaped him.


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