Forget Something?
He was confused when she told him to follow. He shifted down to his lupine form, leaving his robes behind. Something about Terra made him feel like more then a monk, more then just a stranger. He followed to make sure she was safe and stayed close as she took him though brambles and rocks to show him a world he didn't think existed. They were in a medow surrounded by trees and bushes. Life thrived here and the starting of spring were in the air. He watched Terra sit down and slowly walked up to her, nuzzling against her softly before laying by her side. He licked her neck softly, cautious of the scabs that were there.

They were such a contrast. She was small while even in his lupine form he was slightly larger then a normal wolf. She was obvious a mix bred of wolf and coyote, while he was fully wolf. Everything about them was different, from their fur to their eyes. Much like the world they were in compared to the outside they had just been in. They were hidden from the world, from her pack. The only scents he could smell was the soft mist off the semi frozen waterfall, new growing life and Terra. Terra's scent was all over the place and he licked her again softly before finally saying something. "Its beautiful here Terra. Much like you. Serene, calm... lovely. If only I could stay in such a world with someone like you," he whispered nipping her ear softly

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