Forget Something?
He knew his question had been premature. She was right. He knew nothing about her. "I understand but that wont stop me from trying," he said with confidence. He licked her cheek softly and took her gentle nuzzle. She was unique. He smiled before leaning so she was more comfortable. He had questions that he wanted to ask but didn't know if she would tell him.

"What should I know about you? Where is your family? Do you have siblings? Where are you from? Whats your favorite thing to do besides almost get killed by a cougar," he said jokingly. He laughed softly, nuzzling her like she was precious and royal. "When are you healed? I can visit you more often if you like. Maybe if you want, I could stay here with you for a while. I don't really like leaving you. I can keep you company if I am allowed to do so," he said. Just the thought of staying with her made his heart race. Would she want him to stay?

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