questionable existences in this earth
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She looked up as he spoke, his voice kind enough which slightly paralleled his current appearance. She smiled absently, reaching behind her back again and pulling out the smooth seashell. That’s cool, she mused, tilting her head from side to side as she studied it again, as if in a new light. I thought I, er, wasn’t supposed to have it or something… she added sheepishly, tossing in a tiny, nervous laugh for good measure. She smiled up at him timidly, watching as he lowered himself to seat before her, some odd paces away. She felt as if he had given the space on her behalf, so to show that she was neither afraid of him, nor ashamed of closeness, she edged forward a bit, re-adjusting her legs slightly so that she sat cross-legged a foot or so away as opposed to the many that had been between them a moment ago.

Conri, that’s a nice name. She observed aloud, perhaps mistakenly so. I’m new around here, namely to Esper Hollow, she added quickly, absently twirling the newly named “conch/snail-butt” in her hands. Her eyes remained calmly on Conri, a kind of sweet glimmer or wonder and grace held within both her mis-matched gaze and thinly-set face. She smiled again, rather toothily, albeit a bit awkwardly due to her naturally curious sensitivity.

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