questionable existences in this earth
He only offered a faint shake of his head to her question, frowning at himself. As she spoke though, her words struck something more inside of him. He wanted to badly to return home as if nothing had ever happened, to pretend like everything that had gone wrong had only happened in his head. That was impossible though. It hadn't been him that had done those things to Naniko, at least that was what he told himself, but Naniko didn't know that. He couldn't take back the things that he had done. He wanted to smile at her, to show how the words that she spoke made him feel, but he wouldn't let himself. As much as he wanted to believe that he could be normal again, he knew that it wasn't true.

The silence settled between them then, her words fading off into the rushing ocean, and Conri could only watch her. His eyes, once dry and cracked, brimmed with tears now. "I hurt people Asa.." He admitted suddenly, quiet and grim. He wasn't sure if she would understand, if she might rise and flee from him, but it would be better for her in the end, he was afraid. "I hurt someone that loved and depended on me.." And in one of the worst ways possible. A murderer first, he had killed his own father, but now he had beaten and raped the woman he was supposed to love, the very thing that he had condemned his own father for.

"I don't want to hurt people.." His voice cracked and shook, arm trembling as he brought his hand to his face to wipe slowly at his eyes.


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