Progress for the sake of progress....

WC: 322

The beach was one of Hotaru's favorite spots to simply sit and rest. The soft wind played with her fur as it gently ran along her body. The sound of waves rolling into the beach as the rising tide slowly crept towards the blind female. The gentle cry of gulls and Fawkes's own retort to whatever nonsense they were spouting. The smell of salt, fish, and water filled her nostrils. Hotaru took a deep breath as she sat on the beach, the calm and peaceful atmosphere washing over her.

Red ears flicked back to listen as a call to hunt rang out over the land. The howl was from one of d'Arte's newest members, a male named Aylu. Hotaru had met him once and wasn't really impressed by him. Still, she could always use the food and practice. With her mind made up the blind wolf stood and signaled for Fawkes to follow. He happily cried out and took to the air for a minute before he landed on her left shoulder. In her dexterous hand was her trusty wooden staff, which she trailed half-heartedly along the ground in front of her. She knew the pack lands well enough that she didn't need to fully rely on the staff. However, for the sake of speed and time she used the staff to quickly move through the forest towards the Hunting Lodge.

Her spot on the beach wasn't far off from the lodge, so she was quick to arrive. Hotaru's sensitive nose alerted her to the presence of Dara, a wolf Hotaru had helped to greet when she joined the pack. With grace and practiced steps she moved towards Dara and stood close to the young female. Hotaru gave a small nod and Fawkes greeted the female with a quick hello in his avian low speech. Once her greeting to Dara was finished, the blind female turned her attention to Aylu. "You called?"


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