questionable existences in this earth
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Much, if not all thought was thrown from her head, only able to concentrate on the small sensations coming from the circles he was making on her tawny back. His muzzle drifted somewhere at the base of her ear, his breath warm and the moist tickling of his lips sent an involuntary shiver down her body. She found herself groping the fur of his mane, but the hold loosened immediately as Conri hesitated. She suddenly felt sorry for such a rash move, and found herself gently sliding away from him, from his grasp. I’m sorry. Di-did you want to talk some more, Conri? I can take you to the Hollow… and we can… We can what? Start over from this point?

Despite herself, Asa was smiling, and her hands remained lightly placed around his neck. Come with me for tonight, Conri. I want to start helping you… even if that only means giving you a place to sleep tonight. She glanced at the sky; the clouds appearing more sinister now than they had an hour or so ago.

table by chels

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