Home is where my family is
<style> @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Alegreya+SC);</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The female had caught the note of a newcomer woman's howl and had began to trot there, her belt holding her sharp dagger and herself prepared to use it. Just in case. As she walked towards the borders, multitudes of unfamiliar scents wafted over her and flooded her nose - a family, perhaps? One familiar scent stood out from the rest, dusted with the d'Arte smell and on top of that, the smell of a wolf that was loyal to the pack and who she had been changing the bandages for his wounds - Taliesin.

She pushed through the bushes as Taliesin uttered his words - asking if he could assist the family today. She grinned at him and dipped her head; she had no doubt that he could handle this, but she was curious to see who graced her borders. Seeing Myrddin, she gave him a warm smile and winked - one day he would become a fine wolf, and this was a good place to start. Looking at the newcomers now, she studied the adults first, as she was right - it was a family. One was male and all black, and the other was a mottled color, and was female; their pups were in their Lupus forms, perhaps too young to shift yet, and were a medley of the two colors.

She stood tall and dominant over the canines present, her ears erect and her tail held high - waiting for them to answer her Protettore's words, she spoke shortly;

"I am Skye, the Capitana of these lands; pleased to see not one, but two families on our borders," she said amiably, and left them to answer her Council member's question.

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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