Home is where my family is
Gender: Female

Age: 3

Preferred Rank: Soldato

Currently Played Characters: Do I have to list them all? -sigh- Gemma Sawtooth, Leon Austral, Charlotte Haskel, Honrin Wolfe-Denahlii, Lorenzo Knight. [/html]


Temo, Honrin, Pandora, Dalgina and Keldava will reply after me and then I will reply again with Jace howling for attention. 30th March, midday/early afternoon. 312+

It had taken them the better part of three days to traverse the distance between Ichika and Cercatori, a minor trek for Temo and Jace but a grueling test of endurance for their young children, who had never walked for so long or been so far away from the place of their birth. The entire journey she had not looked back once, a fact that she was more than proud of, there was no going back, not now and not ever for their family. If in the future her children wanted to return and if Ichika was still around she would have no qualms about them rejoining but for now while they were still small and inexperienced, they would stay with here where she could raise and teach them.

There had only been one altercation on the journey, the fight with the bobcat had left her with a few bruises and several wounds on top of the already half healed injures from her fight with the rapists. She struck quite an image of a battle hardened warrior and she supposed that was what she was with her scars and her torn ear, the knives strapped to her outer thighs and newly acquired short sword dangling from her hip. She was well prepared for any kind of attack. Her wanderer's soul relished the trek made, finding all kind fo excitement to be had with the wilds. She slowed to a stop and behind her the horses and carts, both of them stopped with her, Pandemic lowered her head to the floor and began nibbling on the short grass, Salvia pranced in her place, eager to continue on their way,

We're here. She announced unnecessarily. Her bi colored eyes swept their caravan of pups, Honrin glanced at her with moroseness in his eyes whilst Pandora pressed herself close to him, seeking protection from her larger brother.

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Age:5 months

Preferred Rank: Cucciola, Traditional Rank when older

Currently Played Characters: Terra, Amy Sunders, Hadley, Adelle Vilhelmsen, Tharin Lupei

OOC Laughs

The waves of fear, sorrow, and excitement had continued on the entire trip, fear taking over for the latter part after Keldava came back, ear torn and Mahn with fresh blood on her again. She had glued herself to wherever the largest group of her talnala was whenever they stopped, unsure of what they were doing, leaving their ignali behind and going somewhere new, that she didn't know and didn't love. Sulking Dalgina watched Salvia prance happily before her, eager to pull the pups along.

The wagon stopped, and Dalgina thought they were done for the night when the scent of lots of canines reached her. Had they returned to Ichika? It was just a trick then! Tail wagging she peaked out, looking forward eagerly. It wasn't Ichika that she was looking at though, and once her first hopes were dashed Dalgina realized that it wasn't the scent of her pack, but that of a strange new one. Disappointed Dalgina drooped down. This wasn't ingali. It looked like she'd never be there again. Low down Dalgina whimpered softly, wishing they had never left.

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Kinda moot point but i'll add it in anyways:

Gender: Male
Age: 4. wow. that old already. times fun when you are having flies.
Preferred Rank: yeah, that's a good place for Temo even though I have no clue what it means.
Currently Played Characters: Temo & Ibycus


| +309

It was a long three days that they spent trekking through the lands. Except for the incident with the bobcat, the trip was relatively uneventful, something Temo was thankful for. Temo had kept himself busy most of the time by keeping an eye on the carts and harnesses as he was not sure how well they would take the strain of the long trip. They held up better than he thought they would. The carts only needed some minor repairs here an there and he thought they were lucky there was no major calamities with a wheel or axle breaking. With Jace's help he made occasional adjustment to the harnesses and some padding added in spots to keep it from chaffing the horses.

For every hour that that they traveled and Ichika was further behind them, the more he made himself not to dwell on leaving. He did not want to forget the times there, especially the good times, however, he could not forget the bad times and the reasons they left and he did not want it to fill and cloud his mind with thoughts of what could have been if they had stayed. The one thing that he did not want to do was miss what was before him because he was always looking behind him.

It was not the end of their journey when Jace slowed to a stop and they followed likewise. Temo looked around taking in what he saw about them. They may have arrived at their destination but they had a long road ahead of them trying to fit in and finding their places amongst strangers in a new land. His gaze slowly swept over the pups, carts, and horses and finally over to Jace, the thoughts that bounced around in his skull were now on the if they would be accepted or not.

Temo Wolfe

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Age:5 months
Preferred Rank: Cucciola, Sentinel Rank when older
Currently Played Characters: Neela Garcia, Regner Vilhelmsen, Ezequiel Isoko


Word Count → 325 :: Ohhihi

Brown eyes glinted as Keldava stuck her head over the lip of the cart, feeling the change in momentum as it stopped. The stretch of landscape before them was unassuming to the eyes but in smell it was certainly something, a thick layer of unfamiliar scents spread across the land before them, forming a clear boundary to the lands belong.

New lands and new smells, an entire territory for her to explore and play in! Keldava practically vibrated with excitement at the thought. Unfortunately Keldava's excitement wasn't shared universally and a whimper from behind Keldava caused her right ear to droop sadly, the left was held upright by the tight white bandages wrapped around it, as she turned to face her sister. Keldava padded over, touching her nose to Keldava's before she laid one long lick up the bridge of her siblings muzzle and face, leaving her own muzzle resting atop her head, "Don' cry 'Gina, 'm here" she mumbled quietly, giving her a second lick, " 'M gonna go see wha' goin' on, 'kay?"

Moving away from Dalgina, Keldava found her excitement at the new lands growing once more, though it remained tinged with empathetic sadness for her sibling. Growling lightly in excitement Keldava launched herself over the carts side and down to the ground. She hit heavily, skidding onto her belly and driving the air from her lungs but quickly recovered, picking herself up and shaking off before trotting over to Mahnaya. Reaching her side Keldava nipped her mother lightly on the leg and tugged on her fur to get get attention.

"Dalgina sad Mahnaya, why's she sad?" Keldava's free ear drooped again before it suddenly shot up, accompanied by a fierce wag to her tail, "We're somewhere new! New places, new people! Excitement! Happy!" Keldava yipped, her vocabulary regressing through her excitement. Unable to say any more Keldava simply pressed herself tight against Mahnaya's leg, tail beating a fast rhythm against it.

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Jace was well aware of the way that her children were mourning for their first home, she had done the same upon fleeing from her birth pack and in a way the wound never healed fully although it scabbed over and dried out. With a silent sigh of breath and a prayer of thanks to the Great Mother for delivering them safely to Cercatori's borders Jace patted the excitable Salvia on her head and then turned when an insistent tugging came from the fur of her legs. Keldava was the cause this time, with the information that Dalgina was as upset as Jace knew she would be.

She crouched down until she was closer to her youngest child, a small smile on her muzzle at the fact that at least one of her children didn't resent her at the moment,

"She knew more people in Ichika than you did Keldava. She made friends there and she doesn't want to leave them. But we had to leave, it wasn't safe there anymore, especially not for you and your brother and sisters." She simply smiled again as Keldava pressed herself against Jace's leg in an excited daze, of her four children, Keldava was the one most likely to grow up and echo herself,

"Today we start our new life love." She stood up tall and the wind roared around her briefly, dragging her brown hair upwards to flow around her. Her head tipped back and the wavering note left her, the voice resounding out deep into this new territory, seeking a leader, calling for a home. She was who she was, the arctic queen with ice in her veins, snow in her heart and cold in her vivid gaze. she stood strong against the injustices of this world and would fight until her last breath to uphold those who were chained unto her heart.
He heard the call from where he and Myrddin were tending the garden. He was uncovering the more tender plants while his son dug in the dirt. As the call rang out, the male stood, wiping his hands on his jeans. He grinned crookedly at his son, his tail wagging lightly behind him. "Well my boy, today you get to see your old dad at work." He was the protettore of the pack, and honestly second to only the capitana. He felt good, knowing he was in a good position to help the leader

As he stretched, he winced, placing a hand on his ribs. It had been nearly a week since Liam's attack on him. He was glad he had knitted up enough to shift again, he just wished his ribs werent so sore. He'd never had broken ribs before, but he knew from his mother how to care for them.

The pale scholar and his two month old son made their way to the border. Tal had expected one wolf, but what he saw as he arrived was an entire family. The female who had howled looked somewhat familiar to him. He mentally shrugged, his mismatched gaze looking over each stranger in turn. Finally, after a moment, he spoke. "You stand on the borders of cercatori d'arte. I am Taliesin dir Rhiannon, and this is my son. How may we assist you all today?" His tone was polite, if not a bit distant.
<style> @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Alegreya+SC);</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The female had caught the note of a newcomer woman's howl and had began to trot there, her belt holding her sharp dagger and herself prepared to use it. Just in case. As she walked towards the borders, multitudes of unfamiliar scents wafted over her and flooded her nose - a family, perhaps? One familiar scent stood out from the rest, dusted with the d'Arte smell and on top of that, the smell of a wolf that was loyal to the pack and who she had been changing the bandages for his wounds - Taliesin.

She pushed through the bushes as Taliesin uttered his words - asking if he could assist the family today. She grinned at him and dipped her head; she had no doubt that he could handle this, but she was curious to see who graced her borders. Seeing Myrddin, she gave him a warm smile and winked - one day he would become a fine wolf, and this was a good place to start. Looking at the newcomers now, she studied the adults first, as she was right - it was a family. One was male and all black, and the other was a mottled color, and was female; their pups were in their Lupus forms, perhaps too young to shift yet, and were a medley of the two colors.

She stood tall and dominant over the canines present, her ears erect and her tail held high - waiting for them to answer her Protettore's words, she spoke shortly;

"I am Skye, the Capitana of these lands; pleased to see not one, but two families on our borders," she said amiably, and left them to answer her Council member's question.

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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Come on guys Big Grin it's a free posting order! Go wild

They didn't have to wait long for acknowledgement for soon enough a pure male came from the unknown territory to greet them. She knew who he was, she had met him before, her Noah's brother, although she wasn't really sure she had the right to refer to Noah as hers anymore. She was scared to visit the three legged man, afraid of what she might find, afraid of what he might have become. Still, she knew who their welcoming committee was. There was almost no doubt within her mind that they would be refused, how she could say this was a mystery but she was positive all the same. There was only dull recognition within his eyes and she doubted he remembered their first and only meeting over a year ago.

"Hello Talesin, nice to see you after all this time. We met in Phoenix Valley once, when Noah was injured." The word was said with a low growl, Lucifer had been a bane on the world and a dangerous pest to Phoenix Valley. She was glad he no longer defiled it with his presence. More rustling and another figure appeared, this time a female who she had not met. So obviously the head of this pack, it was impossible to miss the aura of control and dominance she extruded. Her gaze switched between the pair of them for a second before she spoke,

"I am Jace Wolfe and this is my family. My mate Temo, and our children, Honrin, Pandora, Dalgina and Keldava." She gestured to each as she named them, Honrin looked up with interest at the approaching woman but otherwise observed the situation with a cold, cynical expression. "We've come a long way, from Ichika no Ho-en to the north, and over the Halycon mountains. We seek to join this pack of artists and creators, if you will have us of course."
<style> @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Alegreya+SC);</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The female's hackles slightly rose as a growl emitted from the female's mouth - why she did not know, but she did not appreciate this subtle threat upon her packlands, no matter who it was directed towards. Subconsciously, she took a step forward, in front of Myrddin, and moved her hand toward her dagger - if this woman posed a threat to Taliesin or his kin, she would make sure to silence that growl herself.

The female seemed to calm at her presence, however, and Skye slightly relaxed, although somewhat suspicious still. Recognition blinked in her eyes as she introduced herself as Jace - she knew who she was, although not personally. The killer of Argul, the horror on her pack, who Shawchert could not kill himself. She listened as she introduced the rest of her family, and the creamy-white female listened as Jace told her tale from Ichika - the merged outcome of Phoenix Valley where Jace had hailed and Dahlia de Mai, their old neighbors - and nodded as she said that they wished to join.

She looked at the female Jace, who was clearly the head of the family - she was a killer, yes, but perhaps that was for good. She could not help, however, be reminded of another family that had come to her borders - Taliesin himself and the killer Liam. She would keep a close eye on this family. But until they proved themselves, she saw no reason to keep them homeless any further.

"You may call our pack your home, Jace, friend of Orin and killer of Argul," she said softly and lowly. "And your family, too," she said warmly to the rest of her family, including the pups who seemed so sullen. She looked back to the two adults. "And what skills do you have to bring to our own family?"

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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| +510

After the few moments of sending his gaze around at the land around them and at his family before him that Temo took while they took a few moments rest before they made their presence known to the pack and make their request for admittance into the pack. He was still a bit sad about having to move even though it was necessary. It was a mood that had plagued the family during the trip to a new home and a pack that would accept them in.

Although he had reservations about the unknown and was worried that after the long trek to find a new home that they would be turned away. What would they do then? He was not sure and hoped for his family's safety and well being, that this pack would accept them onto their lands and into their family. He buried his emotions deep inside and with his usual deadpan face, he kept his worries to himself so as not to upset the pups any more than they already were.

Temo busied himself with his usual going over the carts and harnesses in the off chance that they were turned away and had to continue on elsewhere to find a new home. His attention moved from the task that he had put himself at to Keldava who seemed the happiest of the four children. It warmed his heart that at least one was happy and he hoped that it would transmit to the others. In an effort to help that along, he ruffled the fur on Dalgina's head with his hand and smiled at her as Jace called out to whomever would listen to their plea.

His quiet voice followed the echos of Jaces as he told his children, "It will be ok, a new home, a new beginning, new friends." He hoped he was right in this for the sake and well being of his pups and mate. It was after these thoughts that it was not long for someone to show up in answer to Jace's call. And not long after that another answered.

It was Temo's introverted personality that kept him quiet while Jace conversed with the welcoming committee. He was not that surprised that she knew the first one that had arrived as she gets out and meets others more than he does. It warmed his heart that their journey was about over when they were accepted into, what is for them, a new pack. He hoped that they will prove themselves worthy to be part of it.

It was with great relief as the words of the leader accepting them into the pack sank in. It was his hope that they would fit in, especially his children. For a moment, he pondered the question that was posed before them, Temo replied, I am but a simple carpenter and have some knowledge in the human wooden structures and the repair and rebuilding of those structures. He paused a moment as he thought I am also expanding that knowledge of wood into carving and rebuilding furniture.

Temo Wolfe

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OOC here!

Keldava came to her side, licking Dalgina's face. The fur ended up sticking straight up from the lick, making it look like someone had attempted to give her a mohawk on her face. The soft words comforted Dalgina, pushing against her tingla. She nodded her head, and watched Keldava drop off, checking out the area and making sure it was safe. That was good. A howl lifted through the air, as powerful as their mahnaya. It was good to hear it when things were so uncertain.

Dalgina watched a white stranger arrive, announcing the pack and asking what they were there for. It wasn't long after when another arrived as well. Dalgina craned her head, looking down curiously at the pup. Ducking back down she listened quietly to the growl, afraid that they had found more danger. Hearing that it was a pack for artists and creators did perk the pup up slightly, but mainly she stayed silent, nuzzling into Papa's hand as he ruffled her head. She was glad they were there with her. It wouldn't be good if her talnala split up.

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ooc: i live!

Gender: female

Age: 5 months

Preferred Rank: stage rank when older

Currently Played Characters: just pandora[/html]

When pandora had heard the news of their move she didn't think it was real. It wasn't until they had left on their journey that she realized they were leaving home. The home body pup was in a shock, silent and quiet through every event. Something not common for the usually loud playful female. It wasn't that she was angry or sad it was more that she was afraid. The world was vast she knew this but what it held also frightened and excited her leaving her confused on her feelings of the change. Therefore she stayed close to her brother watching her family closely through every step. Dalgina wasn't happy and this pulled at her heart so she tried nudging her sister and shooting her a smile from time to time to keep her spirit up. Her efforts of lightening the mood were weak for the girl pup. They stopped and she looked to her father and asked nervously Are we there now? When the new comers approached she pushed herself a little more firmly into Honrins side and watched with curiosity and cautiousness. She liked meeting new people but they did smell different than those at home. She had never met anyone from the outside that she could remember anyway. She looked at them with her bi-colored eyes and carefully peeled herself from her brothers side. Hello she squeaked and smiled softly. She didn't know if they would notice her or not but she felt proud to have greeted them regardless. She wouldn't be shy she thought, nervous yes but not shy it just wasn't her. She looked to her mahn for permission to exit the cart hoping to introduce herself more formally.
He eased his posture as the Capitana arrived. While he retained his dominant posture over the new arrivals, it didn't do to posture more dominant than Skye. At Jace's words, he remembered that day, the day his brother nearly died. He didn't miss the growl, but knew it was for the departed and not missed Lucifer. Myrddin, hearing the snarl, cringed away, moving back further, though his curiosity was piqued by the other little ones.

Tal knew the capitana wouldn't turn away the family, though he did remain somewhat wary. He watched the adults as Myrddin crept closer to his ankles. As Temo spoke, he nodded. "We have a woman here who could help you learn those. I can introduce you later to her." He glanced at Skye, who stood between himself and the newcomers. He reached out to touch the small of her back her lightly, hoping to indicate with a touch that he didn't feel there was a threat here.

He spoke again, quickly and softly. "I have heard of Argul, though the incidents were before my time with the pack. However, we need a reassurance that neither of you have a needlessly violent past. We have had issues in the past, and seek to prevent any more problems...." He put the question as tactfully as possible, while remaining delicate and somewhat ambiguous so the little ones wouldn't worry.

He felt Myrddin leave the safety of his ankles, approaching the other young wolves slowly. His gaze was drawn to the boy, his body feeling suddenly tense again.

She ducked her head slightly, an apology for her behavior that could be considered threatening, Lucifer and speaking of him made her angry all the way down to her soul. She was surprised then when the Captina accepted them solely on the basis of her friendship with Orin and her murder of the monster Argul. The silence of surprise enveloped her and allowed Temo to answer the leader's question first. The woman slowly came around as her mate's voice washed over her, his quiet strength flowing into her. Pandora appeared besides her with Honrin and she resisted the urge to pick the now too large child up into her arms,

"I am glad you're allowing us safety here. As for myself, I am a guard, a warrior of the sword, bow and knives and also a singer, a dancer." Her hide did not lie, she carried many scars from her fights as well as the still healing welts from her latest scraps. "I have other skills too; hunter, jewelry maker. I read and write and speak some low speech languages." Those were her main abilities, she was always questing for more. "If you have such a think, I would like to be placed into a warrior's rank." Her head tilted to the side as Taliesin spoke, violence ran in her blood, thick and strong, coupled with her mental fracture she was more susceptible than most to the pit of anger and bloodshed, but unlike most she held tight control upon her disabilities, she did not let them control her.

"As a protector, I've seen more than my fair share of fighting. I've spilled countless people's blood but always in self defense or defense of others. Like with Argul, who was a danger to everyone." Her eyes flicked down to focus on the small boy cautiously creeping towards her larger offspring before returning to the two other wolves.

OOC here!

There was a lot of talking. Dalgina looked over at Pandora, how she called out. That was brave. Dalgina was less scared than just grumpy that she was stuck there, and not in Ichika, where her talnala belonged. A pup appeared over the edge, a new one. It wasn't like Picture, Wander, and Snow, bigger than them, and his colors were different. She stared with curiosity before deciding that no matter how much she wanted to play with the new friend she wanted to head back even more, and remained where she was.

She looked up as Mahn spoke, wondering what was being said. Protector. That she was. Mahn always took care of everyone. It could be scary, like when she fought off the blood creatures, but she always protected. Dalgina just wished that she'd been able to do that at ingali instead of dragging them all out here to the middle of nowhere, her life torn apart. Who would she ask questions of now, with Kiara and Neela gone?

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