Carving Lessons
I looked some up, but they all used drills. :l I found one that didn't and it was just a chisel + a hammer ahah. :> Let me know if I get anything wrong!
[/html]The dog didn’t say anything, and for a moment, Claudius panicked, worrying that he had just left. But when Claudius glanced up from the bowl in his hands, the dog was still there. If anything, it seemed as the other canine was terribly afraid of Claudius. It struck Claudius as odd, but since the dog was a guest in AniWaya, he figured it made sense.

When the dog took the bowl back, Claudius pulled the bag off and opened it up. He raised his right knee and balanced the bag on the top of his knee like a table. He grabbed the strap in his left hand and pulled out a smaller bag containing his woodworking tools. They were all very rudimentary, mostly made of stone and bone, but he hoped that they would do.

He set his leg back down and glanced around in search of somewhere to sit. Seeing none, he set his bag down on the ground beside him and then beckoned the dog to sit with him.

“Here, s-s-s-sit… with… me… I ha-a-ave… some… tools that may… be of… use… I think I might be… able… to help a bit,” he explained. As he spoke, he sat down and then crossed his legs. He held out his left hand in an attempt to entice the shy male to sit with him.[html]

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