I Am Mr. Sunshine
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Word Count :: 300 OOC

Cerberus noticed without a doubt the way in which Insomnia seemed to space out on their walk. The time between her words left Ceri time to think too, however, on…well, what she might be thinking. He hadn’t known the wolfess very long, so she couldn’t be reflecting on moments they’d spent together. That is, unless she was thinking back to the day she tended to him while waiting for the alphas to reply to his call. Perhaps she’d heard something – a bit of gossip maybe – about him while he was gone? Maybe she’d heard something even after he returned and was wondering if it was true? Fortunately, he didn’t have to question for long, because soon she spoke. It was a question that she asked, and one that caught him rather off-guard.

Do I…like you? he repeated. Part of him felt like being witty and saying something about how he wouldn’t have invited her to tag along if he didn’t like her. But he knew what she meant – she was in heat, after all. This didn’t relieve the confusion, however, for he saw no reason for a wolfess with a mate to be asking such questions. Unless…had he already led her on? Oh, Insomnia, he said, his eyes widening apologetically, I didn’t mean to…well the truth is…I mean I know you have a mate, so… No matter how hard he tried, the words wouldn’t come out quite like he wanted. What he WANTED to say was that he was terribly sorry if he’d led her to believe he was persuing her, for he wasn’t the sort of wolf to try and steal the mates of others. But she was beautiful, and he’d be incredibly lucky to have her as his mate. A light blush touched his cheeks at the thought.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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