I Am Mr. Sunshine
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Word Count :: 241 OOC

Cerberus opened his mouth to respond, to tell Insomnia that she was jumping to conclusions. But the ebony she-wolf was gone just as quickly as she had appeared. Cerberus stood, slack-jawed and watching her grow smaller on the horizon the farther away she got. With a quirk of his head, he blinked and then darted after her, slipping between the trees and leaping over rocks as he followed close behind.

Soon enough, the reservoir trickled into view as well as the dark pelt of Insomnia. He skidded to a halt behind her, nearly colliding with the she-wolf in his efforts to catch up with her. His bi-colored eyes flickered around in their attempt to take everything in, and he smiled pleasantly at the serene sight. It was lovely, despite the fact that it was old and abandoned. Padding up to the water’s edge, Cerberus dipped his snout into the murky lake and then snorted, shaking his head a bit before lifting it again. He then glanced over his shoulder at Insomnia, smiling reassuringly to her before nuzzling her neck. What I said…well, it didn’t come out right, he admitted, turning his head to look into the water again. But give me a chance, and who knows what could happen? I’d love for you to stick around…spend some time with me. His mismatched eyes flickered over to her and he winked, brushing his side against hers before sitting down on the bank.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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