Meet the monster
Shadow crossed his arms and listened to Thanas words and even though they were not on the best terms, both Thana and Shadow had a bigger problem and that was Hadley. Shadow nodded lightly as he heard everything and he spoke calmly.

I agree with Thana, she is right, a past like yours Hadley will have caused mental trauma and scaring. I want to help. If we could have you try to reason with your own mind and then have Thana come at you, since she is more closely resembling Amy. We could have her come at you and try and trigger you, you Hadley will have to remember and believe that she is not Amy and that she is your friend. You will have to convince that part of you that it's wrong and own it. It will be hard and will take time but it can be done.

Shadow walked to Hadlet and placed his hand on his shoulder as he nodded to him and gave him a warm smile on encouragement. You can do this Hadley.

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