Where did I go wrong?
The cackle of laughter had taken over his head, drowning out the sounds around him and the sounds of his own sobs. It wasn't until the voice spoke, driving away the laughter, that Conri even realized that someone was there. It was familiar voice, something he could recall mostly from his childhood, and then her scent hit him. She touched him, nudged him, and Conri jumped, sitting up almost immediately. He was panicked, hysterical, and he reached one bloody hand out to her, to show her. "Nani..Nani.." The name came out, repeated, in a hoarse whine.

He could feel the blood on his hand and face, like it was still warm and running everywhere. He just wanted it to go away, wanted to get it off. "Get it off Deuce.." He begged her, jerking his hand away to begin wiping frantically at his muzzle, digging with his claws, trying to scratch away the blood. "Please..please!" And he sobbed, grabbing violently at his nose until his arm dropped to the ground in defeat, leaning forward and sobbing more. "I didn't mean to hurt her.."


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