Progress for the sake of progress....

WC: 312

Red-grey ears flicked towards the sound of approaching footsteps, and her nose worked to identify the newcomer. The scent was muddled, and difficult to identify, but after close scrutiny Hotaru was able to recognize the stranger as Bambi. The blind wolf and the almost mute dog had met only once, but the events that had transpired between them were memorable. Bambi had introduced the idea that rabbits, normally prey animals, could become companion animals. The dog had opened Hotaru's world in a way that she never thought possible. Fawkes too, seemed to recognize the girl because his weight shifted as his head bobbed in greeting.

All was silent as Aylu described his idea for the hunt and rewards if success. What he described she wouldn't have labeled as a hunt, it was more of an expedition in her mind. Not to mention the rewards held no value in her mind. The only thing she needed, he could never giver her. Everything else, she could make herself. The edges of her lips turned down a hair but she said nothing. Dara was the first to ask a question, and it was a valid one at that. Aylu's idea was good, but Hotaru didn't understand how the hunt would be executed. Their goal seemed to be for a live retrieval, a task that could prove harder than a normal hunt.

Although she had experience with hunting and was confident of her skills when working in a group, she didn't know what she could do to help with a live capture. It would be tricky, and almost impossible for her if they were to venture into a territory she was unfamiliar with. The tip of her tail twitched as her anxious feelings swelled and constricted her chest. To mask her nervousness and anxiety she calmly asked, "Where do you plan to go for this hunt?"


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