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She hadn't expected him to start headbutting her, but tried to keep herself still. Her tongue stretched even farther out of her mouth, lolling to the side. After a few moments of headbutting she gave in, opening one eye. "You're no fun" She said, grinning. It took some maneuvering, but she managed to flip herself over onto all four legs again. Naniko shook out her coat, nearly falling over as she lost her balance for a moment. She felt lighter than before...like something was missing. Her necklace! She gave a small whine, digging her snout back into the brush in search for it. A small clinking sound brought a smile back to her face and she picked the chain up in her teeth, tossing it backward so that it would land over her neck once more. "Caprica made me this, so I've got to keep track of it" She explained. Naniko was very proud of her dark daughter and the place she'd made for herself in Anathema. She was turning out to be quite the craftsman!

The Angela heard a howl off in the distance, a voice that was very familiar to her. Her son was finished hunting! "Severus must have caught something. I should get heading back" Her tail waved steadily back and forth behind her - she didn't want to end their fun, but she had responsibilities that she needed to attend to. Time seemed to pass by so quickly when she was with Shandom, and so slowly everywhere else! "You should come visit me in Anathema sometime." She'd have to dig up a present for her friend, to show him that she appreciated his making the trip there if he did choose to come...along with something for the leaders of this pack, since they'd drank half of the gift away and smoked a portion of the rest of it. "I had a lot of fun today. It's nice to have some time off every once in a while" For a moment she stood in uncertainty, not knowing how to say goodbye. In the next moment a decision had been made, though, Naniko stepping forward to try to nudge at his cheek. "See you soon". And with that she turned, padding back toward the lands from which she'd come.

Table by Jenny!

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