Meet the monster
Shadow just looked to the Dagger at his throat when it had been placed there and he made no more or emotion about his displeasure at having her continue to treat him like they never knew one another and that he was an enemy. He back up the moment she removed the dagger and then he turned his back to them as Thana spoke and basically told Shadow that he had no right helping Hadley at all.

Shadow continued to listen to the both of them and then once Thana was done he noticed her glaring at him.

Hadley you did well there is no doubt about that, Good job. I'm going to be over by the river, the invitation is for Thana and her alone. Hadley get some sleep and remember you are brave and a good friend to those you care for.

Shadow walked forward towards the river without looking back until he was just out of view and he looked over his shoulder and pulled his sword out knowing Thana and not Hadley would be able to see him as he tapped the sword on his shoulder lightly giving Thana a simple, visual challenge and then he walked to where there "talk" would be. Shadow would earn her respect againand after than he would work on getting her to trust him, but it would be one thing at a time.

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