What's Love?
Shadow listened to her and nodded lightly as she confirmed that she had been in heat and then she explained to him about the males that she knew of and how they were not ones she thought fit the description. Shadow heard her question and he smiled warmly as he gave a slight chuckle as if she should have know the answer to it.

If it were so easy to find, then it wouldn't be worth it. Life has an interesting way of making us work for the good stuff. You will find that perfect wolf for you when the time comes. Just be yourself and one day you meet that wolf and you'll know he's the one because you wont be able to picture life without him and you'll always want him near you and you'll want to fight and die for him and he would be willing to do the same.

Shadow looked her fur over and he saw the many scars that tried to hide underneath, so she had gone through hell, well at least he was there now and he would be able to keep her happy, safe and entertained.

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