Meet the monster
Shadow waited as his back was turned and he was standing facing the river with his sword resting gently on his shoulder with the side of it's blade against his fur. He tapped it lightly on his shoulder as his ears listened for all, He had his eyes closed so that his other senses could go on high alert and warn him of her coming.

She would do one of two things, one she would speak to him first and they could start the fight honorably or she could come right out and attack him the moment she got close enough. He would be ready for the second but would accept the first gladly. Shadow ears twitched lightly as the sound of a ghost came closer and closer. She was good, but his body slowly got a chill as she approached. His body had warned him and he knew where she was now all he would have to do was wait for the strike.

His tail stopped moving and his ears were perked straight up as his eyes remained closed. He had fought many assassins in the past and had killed them all, or in rare cases he would let them leave but they would have wounds that would make them incapable of being an assassin any longer. He cared for Thana but he had dealt her a mortal wound, if not physically then mentally. He would now have to answer for it.

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