What's Love?
Shadow listened to her and then he shook his head lightly at her question.

If you already met the person...you wouldn't have to ask that question. It will be like a feeling in your whole body, even greater than the feeling you went though when going through heat. You would miss him when he's gone, love him when he's near and you would be willing to change for that person. I'm not saying you have to change but it would be how much you care for them. You are beautiful and playful and full of energy and you love to travel. Ash yourself this, out of the males who you want as a mate is there one that you would sacrifice everything for? A male who you know lots about and you don't feel whole when he is away. If you don't feel that then your not in love but that doesn't mean love isn't there...you have to search for it a little. It can take time and you have to be patient. You are free to look for love, but that doesn't mean you'll find it, most of the time love finds you and your speechless due to not expecting it.
Shadow held her hand and looked her in the eye as he smiled and nuzzled her ears lightly.

It will come to you, as great as a person you are, there is no way love won't find you.

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