Faolin Thread (I lost the title XD)

Rachias nodded in silent understanding of what was being said, though when all went silent once more, she still couldn't help feeling a little bad. It had been on her mind since a few days after she had left, when she first started to miss Arkham so badly that it made her chest hurt. It wasn't that she'd chosen to live somewhere else, that she simply wanted to be with her father, it was something inside of her that swirled about and made her feel guilty. "But I just left." She paused then, looking away from the older female. Her voice had dropped to almost a whisper. "Like momma." Not a word had been said, no goodbye, just up and gone.

Did it somehow matter that she'd come back to check on her family? That she'd come back to tell them where she had gone and why? Her mother hadn't come back, she could tell from the lack of her smell, it was almost gone now, so did this redeem the choice that she had made? Rachias wasn't sure and she could only hope that the rest of her family would be just as understanding as Faolin was. Pushing herself to stand, she moved a few steps closer to the older female, a sign that she was ready to head over to the house. "D'ya think Arkham will be there?" She asked then, almost hopeful despite the much sadder tone that had taken over. "Has he been doin' ok?" She still didn't think anyone knew about him saving her that day.


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