Meet the monster
Shadow kept his eyes closed until she got in front of him and once that happened his eyes slowly opened and the same emotionless mask that Thana wore he now wore as well. IN this fight he would be fighting to earn her respect and he was also fighting for the one he loved. Insomnia was the topic of this battle and the reason the fight was going to start. Shadow liked Thana and then left and then he found Insomnia and fell hard for her, Harder than anything else in his life.

He looked deeply into the eyes of Thana and he knew what he was up against. She would try to take his life. She had warned him that if she saw him again she would kill him and take his pelt. It would have helped if she had said, wither she bumped into him or the other way around that it wouldn't matter, that she would then kill him. Shadow had no time to think about all the what if's, this was serious and he would have to put everything he had into this fight or he wouldn't be coming home to Insomnia ever again. He moved his sword and held it in front of his body as he looked past the blade and to the daggers and body of Thana.

He nodded and then without any other words he dashed forward and slashed the sword across from left to right without holding anything back. All he needed to do was make her yield, or strike a blow serious enough to make her with draw from the fight, that or kill her or have himself killed. The difference between the two was one simple yet important thing. Thana wanted Shadow dead and Shadow didn't want to kill Thana. This battle would be a hard one. After he slashed his sword he jumped high going over head so that he would land at her back and he slashed sideways again. Quickly as the battle started the sound of metal hitting metal and fangs and teeth snapping were heard. The battle continued as trees and bushes were cut and broken as blades barely missed and grazed the two assassins. All shadow could do was fight as hard as he could and hope that when he hit her, it didn't kill her.

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