Meet the monster
Shadows eyes went wide when he saw the guard drop. His sword was already in motion and he was unable to stop it in time. He pulled it back and kept the sword from killing her but the cut was still deep and as he watched her drop to her knees he was still an assassin but the moment he heard "There, Now you can see how you hurt me" he dropped his sword and tears started to leave his eyes as he stood there just looking to his hands not believing that he had just attacked and nearly killed someone he had cared for.

He looked from his hands to her and he feel to his knees as well and spoke with all the emotion he could muster.

I' sorry...I'

Shadow reached out for her with one hand and tried to move some of the hair from her face like he had done long ago and as they sit there rain started to gently fall onto the ground around them and blood from there fight started to slowly mix with the soil, slowly to become one with the earth.

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