Meet the monster
Shadow held her as she went cold and he howled as he picked her up and ran back to the camp where Hadley would be. He rushed and moved faster than he ever had and he jumped over a large fallen tree as he landed next to the fire. He places Thana down and worked fast. He grabbed meat and got it close and he moved and gathered water and he started to clean her wounds.

He used the water and some of the plants near by to make sure there wouldn't be infection and then he put bandages on all her wounds and made sure to stop the bleeding. He grabbed her and his pelt and placed them on her as the ran kept coming down and as it started to fall faster shadow made a make shift hut out of branches, logs and large leaves and even bushes in the area. He sat next to her on his knees and he watched her breathing and he kept checking her pulse. He would not leave her side. He had water and meat near by for when she woke and he hoped that he was fast enough to save her life. Please, Thana...don't die. Stay. Come back. His ears were flat against his head and his eyes still had tears in them as he watched her like a hawk.

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