Penny for your thoughts, I fear.
She was Naniko all over again, eyes closed tight and pleading with him, perhaps hoping that he would just disappear or that not seeing him there would mean he would just disappear. Conri knew though, the voice inside him knew, that she simply couldn't hide behind closed eyes. "I don't know." His voice dropped to a whisper, answering the question that had been asked to the best of his ability. Even he didn't know what it was, who it was. His father was the small voice in his head, whispering the devilish words into his hears, but the sad fact was that was simply all he could do. He could only whisper. Conri's actions were controlled by himself, whether or not he knew that.

He rose tall to his knees after a moment, pushing forward to sit up tall on them. He still had hold of her, fingers laced around her, pulling and pulling in an attempt to get her hand off of him, to push her back away from him. "I don't want to hurt you.." He was practically sobbing, teeth clenched tight and body coming forward, leaning farther toward her.


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