Old friends...or was it s'pose to be...
Her eyes watched as the male approached, he didn't only smell familiar he looked familiar. A part of her wanted to wag her tail and greet him pleasantly, but then another side of her wanted back away and avoid him. Her emotions were mixed, and then as he came closer the smell of non-Aniyawa on his fur, and he smelled of sex and blood. Her ears went back and she let her lips curl up, "...you stink of another female..do you have a mate?" She asked, why she cared, she didn't know. She had a mate, so why would she care about this male? Maybe it was the hormones, but her two toned eyes watched him, waiting for an answer, her paws slowly making the distance between them come to nothing but a matter of a few inches.

The weather was nearly spring like and the bird upon her back had become quiet watching the male, he still didn't understand wolves yet, and he soon would know that any male other than Ookami shouldn't come near her. Shouldn't be allowed to show their attraction for her. Soon most likely within a year or so, he would make it apparent for them to leave her alone, and watch their backs when it came to him. He was a bird that could easily take down a wolf, he was a strong bird of prey.

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