Spring Cleaning
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Word Count :: 510 Sounds good to me.

Cerberus was grateful that Augustus enforced his threat of showing the coywolf his place with nothing more than a nudge to the scruff, but Ceri didn’t neglect to curl his lip in a silent snarl at the action before the large Epsilon turned away. Then, as quickly as it had amounted, the tension dissolved to a comfortable degree when none other than Shadowfang came bounding through the trees, tossing a greeting to the pair and then pausing to express his brotherly love for the hybrid. Cerberus dipped his head with a bashful smile and his ears stood upright to match his happy, wagging tail. This gesture was only to show his joy at seeing his friend, but as soon as he realized that it might be taken for a display of dominance behind Augustus’ back, he immediately flattened his ears and tucked his tail again.

Rising just enough to sit on his haunches, Cerberus gave himself a brief shake and then began preening himself like a cat, his mauve tongue swiping over his ivory limbs. He then curled his tail around his body neatly, listening with a cocked ear to the ebony wolf apologize to Augustus for an offense Ceri wasn’t aware of. Much to his disappointment, the Epsilon responded to Shadow with an icy tone and rigid nature, something that didn’t do much to prove he was as forgiving as he had said. Narrowing his eyes and kicking his ears back in distaste, Cerberus turned his head to gaze over the human contraption beside him and keep his anger at bay with the distraction of the way rust patched the decaying metal of the vehicle. It would take a great effort, but Ceri resolved he’d much rather die from the energy expended to keep himself in check than from an angered slashing from Augustus’ claws and teeth.

Once the dispute drizzled to an end and the Epsilon turned to face him once more, Cerberus hopped up and trotted out of the brute’s way with a flick of his bottle-brush tail. Indeed, it would be a difficult task to bury the vehicle, but Ceri didn’t quite understand why it NEEDED to be buried. Couldn’t they break it down and use the scraps to fortify their dens or build a shelter for future pups? As much as he loved being a part of New Dawn, that was one thing the coywolf would never understand: Why so adamantly waste the advantages provided by humanistic things like cars, weapons, or even two legs? With a shrug of his scruffy shoulders, Cerberus sank his teeth into a mass of black rubber at the hind end of the contraption and pulled with all his strength. A chunk snapped off and sent him sprawling backward with the bit in his mouth, a yelp passing his lips as he plunked town in the grass. Spitting the rubber on to the ground, his ears flattened against his head as he crossed his eyes and tried to clean the dirt from his lips and snout with a frantic tongue.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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