Fresh Start-or Not
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Sometimes the light that guides us along our paths, is not something that we can see, but something deep inside of us.

OOC: Assuming Forest Oasis. Small PP, hope its okay

The cold weather had returned, almost as if winter refused to release the world from its grasp. Just as the crisp winter air seemed to suck the life out of spring, it almost destroyed Hotaru's desire to do anything. She simply sat in her house and toyed with her favorite carving knife. It was a beautiful knife that sported mahogany handle. Inlaid into the wood was a golden design that had faded with time and overuse. Hotaru had received it from her uncle, where he had gotten it was a mystery to her. Absentmindedly she fiddled with the razor sharp edge of the blade, a dangerous toy that made Fawkes shift nervously back and fourth.

Eventually, the red-tailed hawk had, had enough. Fawkes screamed at Hotaru in his avian low speech. His anger flared as he demanded she do something. He was tired of watching her fidget and he was bored sitting inside the house all day. Just to make his point stick, he flapped his great wings to take off into the air and landed on her head. She growled and tried to push him off as he pecked painfully at her head. "Ow, Get off you oversized rooster." For several minutes they fought, each one screaming profanities and trying to push the other. By the end of it, Hotaru had several painful welts on the top of her head and Fawkes was missing a few non-essential feathers. For several moments, the pair sat and nursed their wounds. Neither spoke, but they both came to the same conclusion, it was time to get out of the house.

Wolf and hawk moved as one: Fawkes flying out the open window and Hotaru departing through the door. The blind female had her walking staff with her, but she barely used it. She had been living in Cercatori for at least six months, the paths were familiar to her. For once, it was Fawkes who led the way. He chose to travel towards the Forest Oasis, it's beauty and the waking trees enthralled the hawk who still retained his vision. Hotaru found the place boring, but she decided not to argue. She had pulled out his precious feathers and felt like she owed him at least that much.

An earth shattering scream broke the crisp air and made Hotaru's blood freeze. Fawkes's wingbeats faded as he surged forward, his cries sounding to lead his blind companion through the forest. After the female regained her senses, she too surged forward on two legs. Someone was in trouble. Blood pounded through her ears as the sounds of splashing grew louder and louder. Soon, her paws touched the water and her staff was forgotten on the banks of the lake. Fawkes cried out as he circled the drowning puppy. Hotaru splashed blindly into the shallow water as she searched for the puppy, her outstretched arms trying to grab onto the struggling canine. The ice cracked easily beneath her weight and did little to impair her progress.

Searching fingers hit wet fur and Hotaru immediately grabbed onto the child. Using her dexterous forearms and hands, she hoisted the tiny female out of the water and carried her to dry land. Hotaru sat down at the base of a nearby tree and she gently held the young canine. Her arms circled around the puppy, but were loose enough for her to escape if she wanted too. Fawkes had landed in the tree above them and stared down at the two wolves, his large eyes filled with curiosity.

Wordcount :: +590

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