Breaking down
Shadow looked her into the eyes as he spoke and then slowly he started to see the tears that came from Isa eyes and her very soul. Shadow shook his head and brought her close in a tight hug as he nuzzled her lightly and breathed into her neck and then lightly he gave her a lick on the nose to try and cheer her up as he spoke gently.

No...Isa...No...It's not your fault. I know you are not the type to actively seek out a means to hurt others. I know that you are a good person that just so happens to have lots of bad stuff happen to. Something bad happened to you and Hadley when you were with him and that is why you both did what you did..If you both would have been in the right mind then nothing bad would have happened and you and Hadley and even Selene would be great friends and there is still hope to save that friendship and to even make it stronger. Please Isa believe me when I say that you are a wonderful, kindhearted person and you deserve all the happiness in the world.

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